Perform Risk Assessment

  1. From the Analyze group, select the Risk Assessment tool.
    Figure 1.
  2. Select a result file and which loadcase to evaluate.
    • For a Static Event load- .h3d file.
    • For a Dynamic Event load- .pch file.
  3. Click Plot to visualize results.
  4. Click to clear the existing plot.
  5. Select multiple results at a time and control how these are visualized using .
  6. Optional: Review the summary of all E-Lines in the model for the active loadcase and result file by clicking .
    If loading results from additional result files and loadcases, these will be appended to the Summary Table. The active loadcase(s) will be visible in the Bar-Plot. For easy comparison between load-cases or design iterations, select multiple and these will all be visualized.
  7. Click Plot to visualize results.
    A summary of all E-Lines in the model for all result files and loadcases loaded in session are available for easy comparison and Report creation.
    Figure 2.
  8. Optional: Review the summary of all E-Lines in the model for the active loadcase and result file by expanding .

    If you are loading results from additional result files and load cases, these will be appended to the Summary Table.

    The active loadcase(s) will be visible in the Bar-Plot.

    For easy comparison between load-cases or design iterations, select multiple and these are visualized.

  9. Toggle active load-case to update Bar plot.