Subcase Information Entry The MODEWEIGHT command can be used to define a multiplier for computed eigenvalues that are to be used in the calculation of the "weighted reciprocal eigenvalue" and "combined compliance index" optimization responses.


MODEWEIGHT (mode) = weight


Argument Description
mode Mode number.

If a mode number is not provided, OptiStruct will terminate with an error.

No default (0 < Integer < highest calculated mode)

weight The multiplier to be used for the corresponding mode in the calculation of "weighted reciprocal eigenvalue" or "combined compliance index."

Default = 1.0 (Real)


  1. Modes for which there is no MODEWEIGHT definition are not included in the calculation of the "weighted reciprocal eigenvalue" and "combined compliance index" optimization responses.
  2. Refer to Responses in the User Guide for more information on "weighted reciprocal eigenvalue" and "combined compliance index" optimization response calculations.
  3. MODEWEIGHT is only used in conjunction with DRESP1, RTYPE = WFREQ, COMB.
  4. If MODEWEIGHT is not defined, but a DRESP1 with RTYPE = WCOMP exists, the following default is applied:
    • MODEWEIGHT(1) = 1.0 in most cases for topology optimization.
    • MODEWEIGHT(7) = 1.0 if SPC is not defined for the subcase, EIGRL does not define a V1 > 0.0, and it is solving for more than 6 modes or all modes below an upper bound.
  5. This entry is represented as an optimization response in HyperMesh.