*Graphic() - DeformableCurve

Creates a graphic on a deformable curve entity.


*Graphic(gr_name,"gr_label",DEFORMABLE_CURVE, numsegs, def_curve)


The variable name of the graphic.
Data type: varname
The label of the graphic.
Data type: label
Keyword for deformable curve.
The number of segments in the graphic.
Data type: integer
The deformable curve that the graphic belongs to.
Data type: Deformable Curve


*BeginMDL(the_model, "The Model")

  *DeformableCurve(defcrv_0, "DeformableCurve 0", NATURAL, 
                   NATURAL, 6, B_Ground, p_0, B_Ground, p_1, 
                   B_Ground, p_2, B_Ground, p_3, B_Ground, 
                   p_4, B_Ground, p_5 )
  *Graphic(gra_for_defcrv_0_0, "Graphic (for DeformableCurve 0) 0", 
           DEFORMABLE_CURVE, 100, defcrv_0)
  *Point(p_0, "Point 0")
  *Point(p_1, "Point 1")
  *Point(p_2, "Point 2") *Point(p_3, "Point 3")
  *Point(p_4, "Point 4")
  *Point(p_5, "Point 5")
  *Point(p_6, "Point 6")

  *SetSystem(MODEL) //The Model

  *SetPoint( p_0, , , 10 )
  *SetPoint( p_1, , , 20 )
  *SetPoint( p_2, , , 30 )
  *SetPoint( p_3, , , 40 )
  *SetPoint( p_4, , , 50 )
  *SetPoint( p_5, , , 60 )
  *SetPoint( p_6, , , 70 )

*EndMDL( )







The graphic for deformable curve and deformable surface must belong directly to a deformable curve and deformable surface, respectively. Whereas the graphics for the five higher pair constraints must belong to the higher pair constraint directly. This is because the deformable curve and deformable surface implicitly contain spatial relevance, whereas the five higher pair constraints are required to give spatial relevance to their associated curves and surfaces.

To avoid the graphic being visible during MotionSolve result animation in HyperView, set the hide_in_post attribute to {{true}}. For example: *Set(gra_link.hide_in_post, true). This option will set the graphic component's visibility to be turned off when the result H3D is loaded in HyperView.