_impl.h3d file

A compressed binary file, containing both model and result data. It can be used to post-process results in HyperView or when using the HyperView Player.

File Creation

The _impl.h3d file is a general on-the-fly output file for nonlinear implicit (static and transient) analysis. This is output on-the-fly when NLOUT Bulk/Subcase pair is specified in conjunction with PARAM,IMPLOUT,YES or if NLOUT argument on specific I/O Entries is specified pointing to NLOUT Bulk Data.

Results are output on-the-fly in the _impl.h3d file, if:
  • PARAM,IMPLOUT,YES/ONLY is defined in the model in conjunction with NLOUT Subcase/Bulk Data Entries.
  • Results specific output on-the-fly is activated. For example: STRESS(NLOUT=<ID>).

File Contents

The _impl.h3d file contains node and element definitions in addition to the following results:
Result Description
Displacement Displacement (translational and rotational) results from nonlinear analysis.

Output is controlled by the DISPLACEMENT I/O Option.

Velocity Velocity results from nonlinear analysis.

Output is controlled by the VELOCITY I/O Option.

Acceleration Acceleration results from nonlinear analysis.

Output is controlled by the ACCELERATION I/O Option.

SPC Force and Moment Single-point force of constraint results from nonlinear analysis.

Output is controlled by the SPCFORCE I/O Option.

MPC Force and Moment Multi-point force of constraint results from nonlinear analysis.

Output is controlled by the MPCFORCE I/O Option.

Applied Force and Moment Applied load vector results from nonlinear analysis.

Output is controlled by the OLOAD I/O Option.

Grid Point Force and Moment Grid point force balance results from nonlinear analysis.

Output is controlled by the GPFORCE I/O Option.

Strain Strain results from nonlinear analysis. 2

Output is controlled by the STRAIN I/O Option.

Stress Stress results from nonlinear analysis. 2

Output is controlled by the STRESS / ELSTRESS I/O Option.

Contact Results Contact results from nonlinear analysis. 5

Output is controlled by the CONTF I/O Option.


  1. Refer to PARAM, IMPLOUT and NLOUT for more information.
  2. Generally, on-the-fly output is applicable to small (SMDISP) and large displacement (LGDISP) nonlinear implicit (static and transient) analysis.
  3. The following table summarizes support information for on-the-fly output of stress and strain results.
    Output Location Type Supported Elements
    Stress Element



    N/A Available for:
    1. 1st and 2nd order solid elements in both SMDISP and LGDISP analysis.
    2. 1st order shell elements in both SMDISP and LGDISP analysis, 2nd order shell elements only in SMDISP analysis.
    3. CBAR/CBEAM/JOINTG elements in SMDISP and LGDISP analysis.
    Strain Element






    Available for:
    1. 1st and 2nd order solid elements in both SMDISP and LGDISP analysis.
    2. 1st order shell elements in both SMDISP and LGDISP analysis, 2nd order shell elements only in SMDISP analysis.
    3. CBAR/CBEAM/JOINTG elements in SMDISP and LGDISP analysis.
  4. If MATS1 is present, no elemental on-the-fly results are output for second order shell elements.
  5. Contact results are generally supported for both SMDISP, LGDISP analysis and for N2S and S2S contact.
  6. Gasket element and JOINTG element results are generally supported for both SMDISP and LGDISP for _impl.h3d output.