Curve Attribs Panel

Use the Curve Attributes panel to create and edit curves displayed on an xy plot.

Location: Post page > xy plots panel

Options available on this panel include modifying the title, the thickness of the curve line, the style of the line used to draw the curve, the color of the line, and the marker style used to identify the curve.

Panel Options

Option Action
plot Select the plot to edit.
curve Select the curve to edit.
title Enter or update the curve's title.
create curve Plot the curve.
new name Enter the name of the new curve.
thin lines / thick lines Select thick or thin lines.
line pattern selector Select a pattern for the line.
color Select a color.
marker selector Select a marker type.
curves selector Select a curve to modify.
scale x Specify a multiplication factor to exaggerate differences between the data points.
scale y Specify a multiplication factor to exaggerate differences between the data points.