Constr Screen Panel

Use the Constr Screen panel to define the data for constraint screening.

Location: Analysis page > Optimization panel
Note: Only available in the OptiStruct solver interface.
Option Action
Auto Screen Automatically screen constraints. The screening algorithm will seek to retain the smallest number of responses that are necessary for stable convergence.

This option is disabled by the presence of any DSCREEN definition in the input data.

Level 1-5 / off Select a level of automatic constraint screening.

The automatic constraint screening has levels 1 through 5, with 1 being the least aggressive (more responses retained) and 5 being the most aggressive (fewer responses retained). Level 3 is the default.

Disable automatic constraint screening (even when the checkbox is selected) by selecting OFF.

MASS Enter threshold and max retained values for mass.
MASSFRAC Enter threshold and max retained values for fraction of mass.
VOLUME Enter threshold and max retained values for volume.
VOLFRAC Enter threshold and max retained values for fraction of design volume.
COG Enter threshold and max retained values for center of gravity.
INERTIA Enter threshold and max retained values for moment of inertia.
COMP Enter threshold and max retained values for compliance of a static subcase.
DISP Enter threshold and max retained values for static displacement/mode shape.
FREQ Enter threshold and max retained values for frequency of a normal mode.
LAMA Enter threshold and max retained values for eigenvalue of a buckling mode.
STRESS Enter threshold and max retained values for static stress of homogenous material.