List of Commands Ordered by Functionality
The next table represents an exhaustive list of the commands supported in newFASANT. These commands are ordered by the function they perform.
Category | Commands |
Surfaces |
bentDipoles: Generates a pair of bent dipoles. capacitance: Generates a capacitance-shaped surface. circularHole: Generates a plane with a circular hole in it. cornerpoints: Generates a surface from 3 or 4 given points cross: Draws a cross-like surface. crossHole: Generates a plane with a cross-shaped hole in it. disk: Draws a circular surface. hexagon: Generated a solid hexagonal surface. hyperboloid: Draws a hyperboloid. interdigitalLines: Generates a stripline interdigital filter. openRing: Generates a ring-shaped surface with an opening. paraboloid: Draws a paraboloid. plane: Draws a plane. rebuildSurface: Rebuilds the selected surface. ring: Generates a ring-shaped surface. spiralCross: Generates a spiral-shaped cross surface. splitRing: Generates a ring-shaped surface with two symmetrically located openings. spiralCross: Generates a hollow cross-shaped surface. stripHexagon: Generates a hollow hexagonal surface. stripTrifilar: Generates a hollow trifilar surface. surfacesurface: Creates a surface with control points. surfaceEdges: Generates the bound curves of the surface selected. surfaceEllipse: Generates a solid ellipse surface. surfaceFunction: Creates a surface with three functions that define points in Cartesian coordinates. surfaceInterpolation: Creates a surface that goes through a set of points specified by the user. surfaceIsoparamCurve: Extracts an isoparametric curve of the selected surface. surfaceSpiral: Generates a surface-spiral from its center. tCross: Generates a cross with T-shaped segments. trifilar: Generates a cross with three segments. rectangularHole: Generates a plane with a rectangular hole in it. threeDipoles: Generates three straight dipoles. threeDipolesUnion: Generates three, joined, straight dipoles. |
Objects |
box: Draws a box. cone: Draws a cone. cylinder: Draws a cylinder. ellipsoid: Draws an ellipsoid. ogive: Draws a tangent ogive. flare: Draws a flare. sphere: Draws a sphere. torus: Draws a torus. |
Mesh |
meshFromSurfaces: Groups NURBS surfaces in mesh (degree one and untrimnurbs). meshToSurfaces: Explodes mesh object in NURBS surfaces. |
Geometric operations |
array: Copies objects in each of the directions of the axes. arrayOnSurface: This option creates an array from planar elements conformed to the selected surface. coons: Creates a coons patch through a selected loop of curves. copy: Copies the selected objects from start to end points. delete: Deletes objects on screen. duplicate: Creates a copy of the selected objects at the same position. explode: Explodes the selected objects on screen. This generates an specific number of surfaces. extendHole: Extends a hole created by a surface and a loop of curves. extrude: Creates a surface by sweeping a curve along a vector. extrudeNormal: Creates an object by sweeping the selected surfaces along their normal vectors. extrudeSurface: Creates an object by sweeping a surface along a vector. group: Groups a set of surfaces into a single object. invertNormals: Inverts the normal vectors of curves and surfaces. localTransform: Transforms a object or more objects (assuming they are designed with respect to the absolute coordinate system) to the coordinate system defined by the current reference plane. move: Moves objects by applying a translation vector. pipe: Creates a circular cross-section tube that surrounds the selected curve. revolve: Creates a surface by revolving a curve an specific number of degrees around a rotational axis. rotate: Rotates objects a certain angle using a start point and an end point. scale: Scales objects with a specific scale factor regarding the reference plane or ignoring it. scale1D: Scales only one of the X, Y or Z dimension of objects with a specific scale factor regarding the reference plane or ignoring it. scale2D: Scales two of the X, Y or Z dimensions of objects with a specific scale factor regarding the reference plane or ignoring it. scale3D: Scales the three X, Y or Z dimension of objects with a specific scale factor regarding the reference plane or ignoring it. scaleNonUniform: Scales the three X, Y or Z dimension of objects with a specific scale factor for each dimension regarding the reference plane or ignoring it. skinned: Interpolates a surface through the given curves. surfaceEdges: Creates a surface defined by a closed boundary loop of curves. symmetric: Reflects objects with respect a plane of symmetry. trim: Trims a surface using a curve. untrim: Undoes trim operations. |
Interface operations |
axis: Changes the configuration of the display axes. exit: Exits the application. export: Exports geometry file (NUR, IGES, DXF, MSH, NAS…). import: Imports geometry file (NUR, IGES, DXF, MSH, NAS…). rename: Rename object from an actual name to a new name. script: Loads script and execute it or save history to script. |
Parameter operations |
set: Assigns a set of values to a parameter. unset: Undeclares a parameter. |
Boolean operations |
booleanInside: Regions of an object inside another one booleanIntersection: AND operation between two objects booleanOutside: Regions of an object outside another one booleanSplit: Split two objects booleanDifference: Difference operation between two objects booleanUnion: OR operation between two objects booleanXOR: XOR operation between two objects planarSurface: Generates planar surfaces for closed loops of curves. splitByProjection: Split surfaces with the projection of the curves. splitCurves: Splits between all selected curves. splitSurfaces: Splits between surfaces or by curves. splitSurfaceByIsoparam: Split a surface by an isoparametric line. splitSurfaceByIsoparamGrid: Split a surface by a grid of isoparametric lines. |