
Places a right-justified, formatted field name and value from the database into the output file. The field name is written just above the value line.


*fieldrightwithcomments (field_name, type, data_name, width)


HyperMesh Template Command


Places a right-justified, formatted field name and value from the database into the output file. The field name is written just above the value line.


The solver field name of characters. If the string contains a space, an asterisk, or a comma, the string must be enclosed by double quotes. If the string name length is less than the width, spaces are appended after the string. If the string name length is more than the width, the name is truncated such that the length is equal to width.
Either integer, unsigned, real, exponential, string, hexadecimal, or quoted. For simplicity, the first letter is required; all others are optional but recommended.
The name of the data to be accessed.
Width of the formatted field. In the case of real, scientific notation is used in order to make the value fit.


To write the right-justified field name "My field" with the integer data name myint using a width of 10:

*fieldrightwithcomments("My field",integer,myint,10)

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