Animation Secondary Panel
Use the Animation Secondary panel to control the display of your model during animation sequences.
Location: Opens after performing operations in the Deformed and Transient panels.
- Selecting automatic or manual controls of the animation speed.
- Creating and moving cutting planes through your model.
- Displaying isosurfaces.
- Creating an AVI file.
Params Subpanel
Option | Action |
simulation= | Select a simulation type. |
data type= | Select a data type. |
scale factor= | A multiplier on the magnitude of animation changes. |
model units= | Select a unity type. |
auto | Automatically loop animations. Move the slider to the right to increase the speed of the animation, or to the left to decrease the speed. |
manual | Manually advance or set back an animation frame using the arrows. |
Cutting Subpanel
Once a plane has been activated, you can move it through the model by picking the plane in the modeling window and dragging the mouse along the normal to the plane.
Option | Action |
simulation= | Select a simulation type. |
data type= | Select a data type. |
xy plane, yz plane, xz plane | Select the orientation of the cutting plane. |
trim planes | Mask the model so that only the parts beyond the cutting
plane display. Clear the checkbox to display only the plane. |
contour | Create a colored contour map of the model. |
color | Select a color for the cutting plane. |
single | Display a single plane. |
double | Display a double plane. |
t= | Specify the thickness of the plane or the offset from the base cutting plane. |
reverse | Reverse the direction of the desired cutting plane. |
clip boundary elements | Cut the model flat along the planar surface. Clear the checkbox to draw complete elements, which often result in a bumpy surface. |
Isosurface Subpanel
Option | Action |
simulation= | Select a simulation type. |
data type= | Select a data type. |
show | Show the isosurfaces. |
value based/legend based |
color | Select a color to display the isosurface. |
iso surface= | Displayed isosurfaces based on the values contained within
the legend or based on a single value. Designate the
isosurface in the following ways:
increment= | Specify the value to add/subtract from the selected values (which determine the displayed elements/nodes) when clicking add/sub. |
include faces above | Display elements/nodes with values equal to or above the selected value. |
include faces below | Display elements/nodes with values equal to or below the selected value. |
Command Buttons
Button | Action |
animate | Run the animation. |
make AVI | Generate and save the file in your specified user directory
with a file extension of .avi. Files are automatically incremented when you create multiple AVI files. |
add | When a contour legend value is selected, this increases the value that it represents by the increment. |
sub | When a contour legend value is selected, this decreases the value that it represents by the increment. |
return | Exit the panel. |