Perturbations Panel

Use the Perturbations panel to setup shape optimization.

Location: Analysis page > Optimization panel
Note: Only available in the OptiStruct solver interface.

Control perturbations are defined on domain elements to generate shape variables.

Domain Subpanel

Option Action
node list Select the nodes appropriate to the domain elem: type which will be used to create a domain element.
Note: Available in create mode.
domain elem: Select the type of domain element to be created.
Note: Available in create mode.
domain element Select the domain element that you wish to alter.
Note: Available in update mode.
highlight and number Highlight and number the selected domain element in the modeling window.
Note: Available in update mode.
create / update Select the create or update mode.
Automatically add nodes to the domain as you click them, based on the out of plane tolerance.
Select and add nodes to the domain using the nodes selector and add button.
out of plane tolerance [0...1] Include nodes outside the domain element but within a specified tolerance range/distance. The input value for out of plane tolerance must fall in a range of 0 to 1.
nodes Select nodes to add to the domain.
Note: Available when nodeset is set to manual.

Perturbations Subpanel

Option Action
shape = Specify a name for the new perturbation shape.
Note: Available in create mode.
shape color Select a color for the entity.
Note: Available in create mode.
creation method: Select the vector creation method (base and magnitude, two nodes, or cross product).
Note: Available in create mode.
base node: Select the base node on which the perturbation vector is applied.
global system / local system Choose whether the vector is created relative to the global coordinate system, or a local system which you must select.
magnitude = / xcomp =, y comp =, z comp = Select a method for defining the magnitude of the vectors.
magnitude =
Specify a magnitude value, and use the plane and vector selector to specify the direction.
Available when set to vectors.
x comp =, y comp =, z comp =
Specify both the direction and magnitude, relative to the coordinate system specified by entering values in the x comp, y comp, and z comp fields.
Available when set to components.
(plane and vector selector) Specify the vector direction.
Note: Available when the magnitude switch is set to vector.
create / update Select the create or update mode.
vectors Select the existing vector(s) that you wish to edit.
Note: Available in update mode.
vector update method Select the vector update method (base and magnitude, two nodes, or cross product).
Note: Available in update mode.

Command Buttons

Button Action
add Add the selected nodes to the domain.
Note: Available when nodeset is set to manual.
reject element Undo a newly created domain element.
Note: Available in create mode.
reject node set Undo a newly created node set. The element remains.
Note: Available in create mode, when nodeset is set to automatic.
recalculate Recalculate the domain.
create node set Create a new node set from the selected domain element.
Note: Available in update mode.
create shape Create a new perturbation shape.
create vector Create a new perturbation vector.
reject Undo the most recent entity creation.
animate Open the Deformed panel, which can be used to post-process the results.
update Update the perturbation vectors to use the current settings.
return Finalize the permutation and exit the panel.