




モーダル重ね合わせは、マルチボディ解析の結果のflex H3Dファイルからリカバリーされた応力に基づいて行う疲労解析です。ASSIGN,H3DMBDエントリを使用してflex H3D ファイルを特定し、モード寄与度係数を割り当て、疲労計算における相当するする応力を取得することができます。詳細については、MBD解析結果の回復疲労解析の設定をご参照ください。


表 1. 振動荷重疲労のソリューション概要と適用例
振動疲労解析 解析タイプ アプリケーション例
Random Fatigue analysis based on Random Response Analysis
  • Fatigue calculation for structures undergoing random loading.
Sine-Sweep Fatigue analysis based on a sine-sweep test based on Frequency Response Analysis.
  • Fatigue life determination of specimen in a rig sinusoidally vibrated with varying amplitudes and frequencies of vibration, typically varying from low frequency, high amplitude to high frequency low amplitude (or vice versa).
Sine-on-Random Superposition of multiple sine-tones with background random noise
  • Sinusoidally vibrating equipment mounted on vehicles which incorporate random vibration
  • Rotor gun mounted on a helicopter
  • Helicopter rotor fan when the vehicle is airborne
  • Aircraft turbine engines during flight
Sine-sweep on Random For each damage calculation event, superposition of a single sine-tone (representing the sweep) on the background random noise. Damage is then added up across the entire sweep to calculate final damage.
  • When sine-sweep test rig is mounted on a moving truck.
  • When sinusoidally vibrating equipment need to be studied for damage due to resonance in a background of random vibration (vibrating car components during a ride on a bumpy road).
Multiple sine-tones Superposition of multiple sine-tones (without random vibration)
  • Interaction between multiple sinusoidally vibrating equipment.