Bulk Data Entry Allows definition of a user-specified axis of symmetry, in cyclic symmetry analysis.

Parameter Values Description
The location of the axis of symmetry is defined by the grids listed on CYAX Bulk Data Entry.
The positive direction of the axis is along the Z-axis of the coordinate system referenced by the CD fields of the grids on CYAX.
NO (Default)
The axis of symmetry is defined by the first grid pair on CYJOIN Bulk Data Entry. In this case, CYAX does not define the axis of symmetry for cyclic symmetry analysis.


  1. If the CYAX entry is not present in the input, PARAM, AXCYSYM, YES is not effective.
  2. When PARAM, AXCYSYM, YES is specified, the restrictions for grids on CYAX Bulk Data Entry still apply. That is, the grids on CYAX should lie on the axis of symmetry, the coordinate system referenced by the grid CD fields should be rectangular and their Z-axes should point in the positive direction of the axis of symmetry. Refer to the CYAX entry for more details.
  3. If PARAM, AXCYSYM, YES is specified, the restrictions for the CD fields of grids on CYJOIN no longer apply. Refer to the Comments in the CYJOIN entry for more details.