2022 API Programmer's Guide

Constraints Renamed to Mechanismconstraints

The creation and modification of the new entity mechanismconstraints (constraints earlier) must be done using *createentity and *setvalue commands.

Any scripts that rely on using constraints entity for creating and modifying mechanisms and bodies entities in different user profiles, should be updated to use mechanismconstraints entity.

To create and set values to a mechanismconstraints entity, valid configs are 15, 16 and 17:

*createentity mechanismconstraints config=16 name="mechanismconstraints1"
*setvalue mechanismconstraints id=4 STATUS=2 pointnode={nodes 7052608} body1={bodies 2}

To set this created mechanismconstraints entity with ID 4 as part of a mechanism entity:

*setvalue mechanisms id=1 constraints={mechanismconstraints 4}

This change is also affecting the HMASCII and solver template commands. Both commands, formerly named *constraints(), have been renamed to *mechanismconstraints().

It is important to note that the constraints entity and the corresponding HMASCII and solver template commands remain valid. They have been reintroduced as a new entity representing surface and node-based coupling constraints in Abaqus solver interface.

Properties to Frictions

The PAM-CRASH keyword FRICT has been mapped from the property entity to the friction entity. See the frictions data names documentation for more details.

Scripts that created or queried the property entity for these keywords must be updated to use the friction entity.

To create a FRICT keyword, create a friction entity with config 401:

*createentity frictions config=401

To set the value of the frict1 field on a FRICT card:

*setvalue frictions id=1 STATUS=1 frict1=11.5

To query the value of the frict1 field on a FRICT card:

hm_getvalue frictions id=1 dataname=frict1

Properties to Integrationrules

The LS-DYNA keywords *INTEGRATION_BEAM and *INTEGRATION_SHELL have been mapped from the property entity to the new integrationrule entity. See the integrationrules data names documentation for more details.

Scripts that created or queried the property entity for these keywords must be updated to use the integrationrules entity.

To create an *INTEGRATION_BEAM keyword, create an integrationrule entity with config 101:

*createentity integrationrules config=101

To create an *INTEGRATION_SHELL keyword, create an integrationrule entity with config 102:

*createentity integrationrules config=102

To set the value of the NIP field in *INTEGRATION_BEAM or *INTEGRATION_SHELL card:

*setvalue integrationrules id=1 STATUS=1 NIP=1

To query the value of the NIP field in *INTEGRATION_BEAM or *INTEGRATION_SHELL card:

hm_getvalue integrationrules id=1 dataname=NIP

Properties to Perturbations

The LS-DYNA keywords *DEFINE_STOCHASTIC_VARIATION and *DEFINE_STOCHASTIC_VARIATION_PROPERTIES have been mapped from the property entity to the new perturbation entity. See the perturbations data names documentation for more details.

Scripts that created or queried the property entity for these keywords must be updated to use the perturbation entity.

To create a *DEFINE_STOCHASTIC_VARIATION keyword, create a perturbation entity with config 101:

*createentity perturbations config=101

To set the value of the R1 field in *DEFINE_STOCHASTIC_VARIATION card:

*setvalue perturbations id=1 STATUS=1 S_R1=1.1

To query the value of the R1 field on *DEFINE_STOCHASTIC_VARIATION card:

hm_getvalue perturbations id=1 dataname=S_R1

New Commands

Modified Commands

The following commands have new options or enhanced capabilities. Existing scripts are not affected and only need to be updated if usage of the new functionality is desired:
  • Connectors
  • Data Names
    • analysisparameters – Added data names for new config values 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, and 315.
    • attachments – Added new data name partuidlocon.
    • elements – Added new data names edgenodes1 – edgenodes4, facenodes1 – facenodes6.
    • designpoints – Added new data names deviation, deviation_x, deviation_y, deviation_z, internalname, num_failed_coords and solvername. Added new config value 81.
    • equations – Added new data name lsdindependentcoeffs.
    • failures – Added new config value 233. Added new data names coefb, coefm and coefr. Added new S_Flag values 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23.
    • frictions – Added new config values 401, 402. Added new data names coeff1, coeff2, coeffmax, coeffmin, frict, frict1, frict2, i1f, i2f, i3f, icoufr, idlku, ifropt, ipcur, ivcur, numfrict, pfrict, val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6, val7, val8, val9, val10, val11, val12, val13, val14, val15, and val16.
    • geometricrepresentations – Added new data names entitytype, intersectioncords, and parentrepresentation.
    • properties – Added new data names section and sensor.
    • seamjunctions – Added new data names acoustic_bottom, acoustic_elem1, acoustic_elem2, acoustic_top, barrier, junc_lines, junc_points, junc_surfaces, structure, structure_a, structure_b, structure_c, structure_d, structure_e, structure_f, structure_g, structure_h, structure_i, and trimlayer.
    • seasubsystems – Added new data names n_coverage1, n_coverage2, n_coverage3, n_coverage4, n_coverage5, n_numoftreatments, n_treatment1, n_treatment2, n_treatment3, n_treatment4, n_treatment5, p_coverage1, p_coverage2, p_coverage3, p_coverage4, p_coverage5, p_numoftreatments, p_treatment1, p_treatment2, p_treatment3, p_treatment4, p_treatment5, and Sea_Nodes. Removed data names PLATE_SECTION_TYPE and SHELL_SECTION_TYPE.
    • sliprings – Changed the frictionid data name type from integer to entity.
    • structuralproperties – Added new data names se_tp_allowed_deviation_x_neg, se_tp_allowed_deviation_x_posi, se_tp_allowed_deviation_y_neg, se_tp_allowed_deviation_y_posi, se_tp_allowed_deviation_z_neg, se_tp_allowed_deviation_z_posi, and se_tp_measurement_node. Added new config value 83.
  • General/Core
    • hm_getcentroid – Added nodes to the list of supported entity types.
    • hm_getentitybasename – Added new optional argument style.
    • hm_getentityname – Added new optional argument style.
    • hm_getentitytypedisplayname – Added singular values 2 and 7.
    • hm_getgeometrynodes – Added new optional arguments association and node_query.
    • hm_getnearbyentities – Added nodes as supported output entities.
    • *absorbentities – Added support for constraints.
    • *createentitysameas – Added new optional argument entityname.
    • *createmark/hm_createmark – Added new methods "by section", "by sections", "by section id" and "by section name". Added support for points, lines, surfaces, solids and parts (FE and geom) in the following methods: "by box", "by cone", "by cylinder" and "by sphere".
    • *setoption/hm_getoption – Added new options CAD_topology_revision_auto_remesh_layers, constraints_handle, constraints_node_limit, delete_attachments_realization, delete_line_with_elements, mb_ask_delete_table_on_exit, mb_color, mb_csv_separator, mb_display_expression, mb_numeric_format, mb_numeric_precision, mb_query_id_order, mb_show_subcase_simulation_in_col_header, mb_update_hm_on_table_cell_edit, mb_userdir_path, mb_visible_rows, rq_csv_separator, rq_export_idpool, rq_numeric_precision, rq_omegat, rq_poissons_ratio, sketcher_constraint_display_size, sketcher_fillet_radius, sketcher_show_construction_aides, sketcher_show_construction_lines, sketcher_show_intersection_curves, snap_element_mid_edge, snap_feature_hole_center, solvermass_graphics, and standard_view_cube.
  • Meshing

Deprecated Commands

  • General/Core
    • hm_attributebehavior
    • hm_attributeentitytypename
    • hm_attributeindexbehavior
    • hm_attributestatus
The following commands are deprecated in HyperWorks but continue to be supported in HyperWorks Desktop:

Removed Commands

The following commands/options have been removed and are no longer available for use in scripts:

  • Data Names
    • airbags
    • airbagfolds
    • airbagfoldingsequences
    • *airbags()
    • *airbagfolds()
    • *airbagfoldingsequences()
  • Template Commands
    • *airbags()
    • *airbagfolds()
    • *airbagfoldingsequences()