
Creates design points with 'TargetPoint' configuration.


*createdummytargetpoints outputblockids=<value> nodenamepattern=<value> nodeids=<value> ?designpointnameprefix=<value>?


HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command


Creates design points with 'TargetPoint' configuration either by scanning outputblock entities in the model or from a list of nodes located on the dummy. One of the following two inputs must be passed.

  1. outputblockids or nodenamepattern
  2. nodeids

In case, both mechanisms are chosen at the same time and any of the nodes specified by nodeids input are already present in the outputblocks entities (and additionally match the nodenamepattern, if passed), then they will be named as per the appropriate outputblocks entitiy.


The IDs of the outputblocks entities to be scanned. If not specified, then all the outputblocks entities present in the model will be scanned. Only entities that store the nodes along with the corresponding names will be treated as valid inputs. The names found in the outputblocks will be used as the names of the corresponding design points. This input can be used as a standalone argument.
The string that will be searched in the outputblocks entities storing nodes. If present, the leading and trailing whitespace in the input value will be ignored. The search is case-insensitive. This input can be passed as a standalone argument or along with the outputblockids input to restrict the search to the specified entities.
The IDs of the nodes located on the dummy used as the measurement nodes in the corresponding design point entities.
The optional argument defining the name prefix of the new design points followed by an incremental integer value. This option can only be used in conjunction with nodeids input. Default value is "Dummy_Point".


To create design points with 'TargetPoint' configuration for all the nodes stored in the outputblocks ID 3 and 4:
*createmark elements 1 1-9889
*createdummytargetpoints outputblockids={3,4}

To scan all the outputblocks entities in the model storing valid nodes and associated names and create design points using nodes with name including "_VISUAL_TAG":

*createdummytargetpoints nodenamepattern="_VISUAL_TAG"

To create design points using node IDs 3136, 5625, 5561 as the corresponding measurement nodes in the underlying structuralproperties entities and using the name prefix "Dummy_Point":

*createdummytargetpoints nodeids={nodes 3136 5265 5561}

To create design points from all the nodes with name containing "POSIT" stored in the outputblocks entity with ID 1 using naming prefix "DP", with the specified list of node IDs to be used as measurement nodes:

*createdummytargetpoints outputblockids=1 nodenamepattern="POSIT" nodeids={nodes 1500001 1500002 1500003 1500004 1500018 1500019 1500020 1500021 1500022} designpointnameprefix="DP"


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History