
Performs automatic preparation of a model’s topology for meshing, using specified element size and element quality criteria.


*autotopocleanup2 *autotopocleanup2 mark_id criteria_filename param_filename ?do_midmesh=<value>? ?extract_midsurface=<value>?


HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command


Performs automatic preparation of model’s topology for meshing, using specified element size and element quality criteria. These criteria may include geometry feature recognition (fillets, holes, beads, flanges, etc.), the topology simplification, cleaning of small features, etc. The parameters controlling the topology cleanup stages and tools are given as a set of topology cleanup parameter.

In comparison with *autotopocleanup, the *autotopocleanup2 by default excludes some cleanup operations even if they are set in the input parameters. Currently, the direct midmesh option is excluded by default.


The ID of the mark containing the input surfaces. Valid values are 1 and 2.
The path to the file with element quality criteria. If the quality criteria file has been defined using *readqualitycriteria or *setqualitycriteria commands, the value of this option can be set to “dummy”.
The path to the file with topology cleanup parameters. By default, the midmesh operation is ignored even if enabled in the parameters file. If the cleanup parameters file has been defined using *readbatchparamsfile , *batchparams_update, *createcleanupparamsfromstrings, or *create_batch_file commands, the value of this option can be set to “dummy”.
Controls the use of “allow midmesh” parameter given in the input parameters file.
0 – Disabled.
1 – Enabled.
Controls the use of “extract midsurface” parameter given in the input parameters file.
0 – Disabled.
1 – Enabled.


To perform topology cleanup of all displayed surfaces using element quality criteria nvh10.criteria and quality parameters file nvh10.param:
*createmark surfaces 1 "displayed"
*autotopocleanup 1 "nvh10.criteria" "nvh10.param"
To perform topology cleanup of all displayed surfaces using element quality criteria and quality parameters set beforehand::
*createstringarray 17 " 0 penalty value              0.00    0.00    0.50    1.00    5.00" \
"  1 min length        1 2.0  10.000   7.667   5.333   3.000   2.417    2   59    0" \
"  2 max length        1 1.5  10.000  12.400  14.600  18.000  22.600    0   39    1" \
"  3 aspect ratio      1 1.0   1.000   2.000   4.000   5.000  10.000    6   41    2" \
"  4 warpage           1 2.0   0.000   4.500  13.500  18.000  36.000    6   56    3" \
"  5 max angle quad    1 1.0  90.000 110.000 140.000 150.000 165.000    6   28    4" \
"  6 min angle quad    1 1.0  90.000  70.000  40.000  30.000  15.000    6   61    5" \
"  7 max angle tria    1 1.0  60.000  80.000 120.000 130.000 155.000    6   19    6" \
"  8 min angle tria    1 1.0  60.000  50.000  30.000  20.000  10.000    6   22    7" \
"  9 skew              1 1.5   0.000  10.000  50.000  60.000  75.000    6   46    8" \
" 10 jacobian          1 2.0   1.000   0.900   0.600   0.500   0.350    0   57    9" \
" 11 chordal dev       0 0.0   0.000   0.300   0.800   1.000   2.000    6   29   10" \
" 12 taper             0 1.0   0.000   0.200   0.500   0.600   0.900    6   53   11" \
" 13 % of trias        1 2.0   0.000   4.000   6.000   8.000  12.000    0    0   -1" \
" 14 QI color legend            32      32       7       6       3           3   -1" \
" 15 time_step         1      10.000                   0.010            0   59   12" \
"   Global_solver 6"
*setqualitycriteria 1 17 0
*readbatchparamsfile “E:/batch_params/general10.params”
*createmark surfaces 1 "displayed"
*autotopocleanup 1 "dummy" "dummy"