
Changes the edge density and remeshes only the given layers of elements on the surface attached to the edge.


*change_edgedensities_advanced mark_id density ?mode=<value>? ?layers=<value>?


HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command


Changes the edge density with remesh/modification of only the given layers of elements of the surfaces attached to the edge whose density is manipulated. Provide the line mark, along with the density value corresponding to the mode chosen, with the number of layers to remesh for the edge connected surfaces.


The ID of the mark containing input lines or edges. Valid values are 1 and 2.
The new density value to be set for the selected lines/edges.
The method used to assign the density to the surface edges:
  • 1 - Sets edge density to the density value (default).
  • 2 - Increments/decrements to the edge density by the density value. A positive density causes an increment while a negative density causes a decrement.
The number of layers to remesh for the surfaces attached to the edge. Default is 0, as in the whole surface is remeshed.


To set the edge density to 12 on edge 21117:
*createmark lines 1 21117
*change_edgedensities_advanced 1 12 mode=1 layers=3
To increment by 1 the density on edge 21117:
*createmark lines 1 21117
*change_edgedensities_advanced 1 1 mode=2 layers=3
To decrement by 2 the densities on edges 21117 and 21101:
*createmark lines 1 21117 21101
*change_edgedensities_advanced 1 -2 mode=2 layers=3


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
