
Set FE realization details for the connector(s) on mark and realize them with welds.


*CE_FE_SetDetailsAndRealize connector_mark config tolerance property_id systems snap_to_node remesh force_collinear diameter fe_type file_names num_strings prop_noplotelandnode


HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command


Set FE realization details for the connector(s) on mark and realize them with welds.


The mark of connectors that needs to be updated.
Weld element type.
  • 2 - plot
  • 3 - weld
  • 5 - rigid
  • 21 - spring
  • 55 - rigidlink
  • 60 - bar2
  • 61 - rod
  • 70 - gap
  • 104 - quads
  • 1001 - custom
The maximum distance allowed between the connector (on mark) and the entity (on mark) in order to create welds.
ID of property collector. Used to retrieve property specified for connector.
Systems flag.
1 - Build systems
0 - Do NOT build systems
Force weld to use one of the element connectivity nodes rather than create a new node.
Specifies if the welded region needs to be re-meshed.
0 - Do not re-mesh
1 - Re-mesh region
Force all the welds along all layers to be collinear.
0 - Non-collinear welds
1 - Collinear welds
Diameter value to be used, if the dvstfile is not specified.
The FE type for the current solver specified in the FE. Configuration file for custom FE only.
The dvstfile, feconfig file and property scripts to be set.
Number of files specified through the above string.
The flag to stop the creation of an extra plotel element and node, and to directly assign a property on a newly created element. Otherwise, set to 0.


Set the required properties for the connectors 1, 2 and 3 on mark and FE realize them.
*createmark connectors 1 1 2 3
* CE_FE_SetDetailsAndRealize 1 60 1.0 2 51 1 1 0 1 0.0 0 "" 0

This sets the FE data and also realizes the connectors at one shot. The connectors state is marked as realized and are displayed as green colored cylinders. The dvstfile, property script and config file are used for certain weld types only. The dvstfile and property script can be used to create specific property cards for welds. The FE configuration file is for custom welds only.

Version History

2021.2 - Added new argument prop_noplotelandnode.