Bulk Data Entry This entry can be used to define enforced displacement value for Static Analysis or enforced displacement, velocity, or acceleration for Dynamic Analysis or enforced temperature for Thermal (steady-state and transient heat transfer) Analysis or enforced electric potential for Electrical Analysis.

For Dynamic Analysis, this entry can be used to define the EXCITEID field (Amplitude “A”) of dynamic loads in the RLOAD1, RLOAD2, TLOAD1 and TLOAD2 Bulk Data Entries.


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
SPCD 100 32 436 -2.6 5 1 +2.9    


Field Contents SI Unit Example
SID A static load set identification number.

(Integer > 0)


Grid or scalar point identification number.

(Integer > 0 or <PartName.number>) 8


An identification for a SET of grid points. In this case, the GSET continuation line must be specified.
Specifies an identification number for the set.
Specifies a user-defined string label for the set. 9

(Integer > 0 or <String>)

C Component numbers in the global coordinate system.

(6 ≥ Integer ≥ 0; up to six unique such digits may be placed in the field with no embedded blanks)

D Values of D will override the values specified on an SPC Bulk Data Entry, if selected for use in the same subcase.
Value of enforced motion for all grids and components designated by G and C.
This option is used in conjunction with the CNTNLSUB entry to retain the deformed boundary resulting from a preceding nonlinear subcase. This is supported for analysis and optimization runs. 5
This option is used conjunction with the submodeling feature, in the local model. The enforced displacements will be mapped internally by OptiStruct from the global model.
For more information, refer to Global-Local Analysis (Submodeling) in the User Guide.
This option is used conjunction with the submodeling feature, in the local model. The enforced displacements will be mapped internally by OptiStruct from the global model.
For more details, refer to Two Step Modeling in the User Guide.
GSET Indicates that the G/GSETID field is identified as a SET of grid points at which the SPCD enforced motion values are applied.  


  1. The degree-of-freedom (G and C) referenced on this entry must also be referenced on an SPC or SPC1 Bulk Data Entry and selected by the SPC Subcase Information Entry command in the same subcase.
  2. For use in Linear Static and Linear Steady-State Heat Transfer Analyses, the load set identification number must be selected by the 8 subcase information command.
  3. For use in Dynamic Analysis, the load set identification number must be referenced by the EXCITEID field of an RLOAD1, RLOAD2, TLOAD1, or TLOAD2 Bulk Data Entry that has enforced motion specified in its TYPE field.
  4. The Bulk Data LOAD combination entry cannot combine an SPCD load.
  5. This method of applying enforced displacements in Static Analysis is equivalent to that of using an SPC entry. For Static and Dynamic Analyses, when the SPSYNTAX setting on the SYSSETTING I/O Option Entry is set to CHECK (default) or STRICT, it is required for grid/component pairs (G#/C#) that the component be 0 or blank when the grid reference is a scalar point (SPOINT), and that the component be ≥ 1 when the grid reference is a structural grid point (GRID). When SPSYNTAX is set to MIXED, it is allowed for grid/component pairs (G#/C#) that the grid reference be either a scalar point (SPOINT) or a structural grid point (GRID) when the component is 0, 1 or blank; interpreting all of these as 0 for scalar points and as 1 for structural grids. When the component is greater than 1, the grid reference must always be a structural grid (GRID).
  6. The SPCD units for rotational degrees-of-freedom is radians.
  7. For use in Transient Heat Transfer Analysis, the load set identification number must be referenced by the EXCITEID field of a TLOAD1 or TLOAD2 Bulk Data Entry that has enforced temperature specified in its TYPE field (TYPE=1).
  8. Supported local entries in specific parts can be referenced by the use of "fully-qualified references" on SPCD entries in the model. A fully-qualified reference (PartName.number) is similar to the format of a numeric reference. PartName is the name of the part that contains the referenced local entry (part names are defined on the BEGIN Bulk Data entry in the model). number is the identification number of a referenced local entry in the part PartName. Refer to Parts and Instances in the User Guide for detailed information on the use of fully-qualified references.
  9. String based labels allow for easier visual identification of sets, including when being referenced by other cards. For more details, refer to String Label Based Input File in the Bulk Data Input File.
  10. This card is represented as a constraint load in HyperMesh.