Bulk Data Entry Creates small and large flexible body files during Component Mode Synthesis (CMS).

Parameter Values Description

Default = NO

PARAM, MBDREC creates two flexible body files during Component Mode Synthesis (CMS).

A small *.h3d is generated that contains the minimum amount of information required for MBD simulation in MotionSolve.

A larger file *_recov.h3d will also be generated that contains the information from the small file as well as recovery information for displacement, velocity, acceleration, stress, and strain.

The large file is used along with the MotionSolve calculated result (.mrf) file specified with the ASSIGN, MBDINP data in an OptiStruct transient analysis to recover displacement, velocity, acceleration, stress, and strain results of the flex body. These results can be output in the .op2 and .h3d files.

Refer to Flexible Body Generation in the User Guide for more details.